Friday, June 10, 2011

Think becoming and watch this

Think 'becoming' and watch this.
Think 'first there is movement' and 'unity is what we make of it as its product'
Think 'oppositional terms are themselves part of one and the same movement'

Remember that neither the one, nor the multiple is privileged in pluri-modal ontology. That there are different modes does not mean that you can be 'both at once... compossibility works in a quite different way from simple accumulation. .. the difference lies in good and bad ways of protecting the multiplicity from the dangers of both inity and dispersal.' (Latour on Eitienne Souriau in The Speculative Turn, p. 332 (full details posted earlier))  

and perhaps most of all
Realize that constant becoming, flux, movement is FAR FROM CHAOS.

[with thanks to F for bringing this to my attention]