Saturday, May 21, 2011

Creating life: a beginning

21 May 2010, Aveiro, Portugal.

Judgement Day.

It is time for a change. The end of the World, perhaps, indeed. The end. And the beginning of something new.

Yet we begin with renouncing innovation, for all the artificial change it generates. To 'make difference' is to believe in final salvation or world peace. It is not a difference opposing what has been going on so far, but difference in itself

We felt constrained by need to produce difference the innovative way: The expectation of exceptional performance, the burden of talent. We want to affirm instead the lives of those who do not excel, create, innovate: the poor, pathetic, piteous. Their lives too are essential to the production of difference.  Without them we would never felt powerful to act in the first place!
Imagine a growing network of alliances. Growing more complex, but intensively and not expanding: as a crystalline, or a fractal. Imagine a politics of affirmation. Starting today with the foundation of the  Anonymous Musicologists Association (A.M.A.).

AMA offers mental support to disoriented, disillusioned musicologists, m/v, all ages. A place where modernists and postmodernists can unite. For those who felt their subjectivity and the reality of their experience subordinated to History, Man, genius, talent, excellence, and most of all to the need to excel. The dogmatic need to make a difference. For those who feel to have lost direction. For new coherence, new lineages. For radically affirming life.

Its blatant and unreserved promotion will be launched as the ‘= Life’ campaign. An ever growing variety of lives, life forms, passions, Productive worldings can be claimed, reclaimed, affirmed. Music is life. Musicology is life. And the list will grow. [Indeed it did: check 'the Art is life' video post] Imagine a wiki-style platform, online and offline. Opensource, yet strategically affirming capitalist systems of power. Money, commerce, authority, populist rethorics; these are the material-discursive weapons for real-izing life. 

We don’t strive at purity of position. Politcal affirmation means getting your hands dirty for the good cause. The revolutionary power of the facebook generation, that proves to us the reality of non-borders, the power of resonance, the transversal capacities of bodies. Empowerment of the becoming-east, becoming-other by strategic use of the Western systems of power. The ontological truth of non-coherence, deterritorialization.

Life before everything. Life before being. Life before human subject. That is not to say that human is excluded. The contrary, but what counts is the encounter between humanist and posthumanist expression, between the desire to sustain Ego-Man and its twin-opposite: the radical rejection, elimination. 
Affirmative politics means all-inclusiveness and at the same time radical openness to multiplicity in itself. Movements of togetherness and ‘untogetherness’, to speak with Roche and Ledger. Open to contradiction. Critique from within. Disagreement affirming life.  


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